[1]郑净植,张成高,陈涛,等.多功能水处理剂的合成及性能研究[J].武汉工程大学学报,2008,(01):10-12. ZHENG Jing zhi,ZHANG Cheng gao,CHEN Tao,et al.The synthesis of multifunctional water treatment reagent and its properties[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2008,(01):10-12.
School of Chemical Engineering and Pharnacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology; Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Process of Ministry of Education, Hubei Key Lab of Novel Reactror and Green Chemical Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
The multifunctional water treatment reagent is prepared from the monomers of acrylic acid(AA)、2acrylamido2methylpropanesulfonic acid(AMPS) and sodium hypophosphite in water solvent, initiated by ammonium persulfate. It contains phosphonic acid,carboxylic acid and sulphonic acid groups. The optimal synthetic conditions are identified by the evaluation of scale inhibition capacity. The optional conditions are as follows:m(AA)∶m(AMPS)= 3∶1, m (NaH2PO2)∶m((NH4)2S2O8 )∶m(AA + AMPS )=15∶2.5∶100, reaction temperature 100℃, reaction time 4 h. When the mass concentration of the product is 16mg/L, the scale inhibition capacities of the product for CaCO3 and Ca3(PO4)2 are 92.4%和 73.8%, respectively.