[1]刘勇.胡风、路翎与西方生命哲学[J].武汉工程大学学报,2009,(06):34-37. LIU Yong.he philosophy of life force in Hufengs literary theory and Lulings artistic creation[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2009,(06):34-37.
Hufeng and Lulling had both been influenced by the western philosophy of life force. Hufeng laid particular emphases on the thoughts of literary theory and Luling embraced the thoughts on how to elevate the individual life when they were subjected themselves to the influences of the western philosophy of life force.This leaded to different mental worlds showed between the Hufengs literary theories and Lullings artistic creations. These differences had been regarded as the weak points in the course of lulings growing to maturity in his artistic creations.