; iron nanoparticles; intercalationcompound
; Raman spectroscopy; XPS石墨结构层包嵌铁纳米粒子是一种纳米尺度复合材料,具有
Graphene encapsulated iron nanoparticles
(GEINPs) is a composite in nanometer scale. Its
structure is like a sandwich that the iron nanoparticles
are contained in graphite gallery. It was showed in this
paper that the vibration frequency of mode was red
shift in the Raman spectra of graphene encapsulated iron
nanoparticles. The result revealed that the partial
charge of outer atoms of the iron nanoparticles
encapsulated in graphite gallery had been transferred to
the hexagonal carbon nets and the result was coincident
with that of Xray photoelectron spectroscopy. The
Raman spectra of precursors, stage 2 and stage 3
graphite intercalation compounds were similar to that of
acceptor type graphite intercalation compounds, and the
frequency of mode of outer carbon layer is different
from that of inner carbon layer.
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