[1]杨志强,等.废石尾砂混合料浆充填启动方式与管输阻力[J].武汉工程大学学报,2016,38(4):369-375.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2016. 04. 011]
YANG Zhiqiang,GAO Qian*,et al.Backfilled Starting Modes and Pipeline Resistance of Mixed Slurry Prepared with Waste Rocks and Tailings[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2016,38(4):369-375.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2016. 04. 011]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Backfilled Starting Modes and Pipeline Resistance of Mixed Slurry Prepared with Waste Rocks and Tailings
- 作者:
杨志强1; 2; 高 谦1*; 陈得信2; 武拴军1; 2
1. 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京 100083 ;2. 镍钴资源综合利用国家重点实验室,金川集团股份有限公司,甘肃 金昌 737100
- Author(s):
YANG Zhiqiang1; 2; GAO Qian1*; CHEN Dexin2; WU Shuanjun1; 2
1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;2. National Key Laboratory of Nickel and Cobalt Resources Comprehensive Utilization, Jinchuan Group Co. Ltd , Jinchuan 737100, China
- 关键词:
废石; 尾砂; 混合充填料浆; 管输阻力损失; 工业充填试验
- Keywords:
waste rocks; tailings; mixed bakfill slurry; pipeline resistance loss; industrial filling tes
- 分类号:
- DOI:
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2016. 04. 011
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
针对金川矿山充填法采矿,研究了废石尾砂混合充填料浆配比设计与充填工艺,解决混合粗骨料料浆充填在启动阶段存在的沉淀离析难题,为废弃物在充填采矿中应用奠定基础. 分别进行细砂引流、分级尾砂引流和直接放流三种启动方式的工业试验以及管道输送阻力损失试验. 结果表明,直接放流启动方式可用于混合粗骨料充填料浆在起始阶段的管道输送. 根据混合粗骨料的料浆管输阻力试验,建立充填料浆管道输送阻力与管径、料浆流速和料浆浓度的关系,确定废石与尾砂配合质量比为6∶4的混合粗骨料料浆可输送上限浓度为78%. 在此条件下,混合粗骨料料浆管输阻力最小.
- Abstract:
The waste rocks and tailings were used to make backfilled mixed slurry in Jinchuan mining, and the ratio design and filling technology were studied to solve the problems of precipitation and segregation in the startup phase for the application of waste in filling mining. The industrial and pipeline resistance tests were carried out by adpoting three start modes of sand drainage, grade tailings drainage and direct discharge stream. The results show that the direct discharge steam can be used to pipeline delivery of mixed coarse aggregate backfill slurry in start-up phase. The relationships among pipeline resistance, diameter, flow rate and mass fraction of backfill slurry were described by the pipeline resistance tests. The maxiam mass fraction of mixed coarse aggregate backfill slurry delivered by pipeline is 78% at the ratio of waste rocks to tailings of 6∶4 , meanwhile , the pipeline resistance is the smallest.
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