[1]陈 杰,罗 喆,苏勇杰,等.有机胺共沉淀法制备镍钴铝三元前驱体及表征[J].武汉工程大学学报,2019,(05):457-460.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2019. 05. 009]
CHEN Jie,LUO Zhe,SU Yongjie,et al.Preparation and Characterization of Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum Ternary Precursors by Organic Amine Co-Precipitation[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2019,(05):457-460.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2019. 05. 009]
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Preparation and Characterization of Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum Ternary Precursors by Organic Amine Co-Precipitation
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
陈 杰; 罗 喆; 苏勇杰; 张 勇*; 吴江渝
武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205
- Author(s):
CHEN Jie; LUO Zhe; SU Yongjie; ZHANG Yong*; WU Jiangyu
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430205, China
- 关键词:
镍钴铝; 三元前驱体; 二正丁胺; 共沉淀
- Keywords:
nickel-cobalt-aluminum ; ternary precursors; di-n-butylamine; co-precipitation
- 分类号:
- DOI:
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2019. 05. 009
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
以硝酸镍、硝酸钴、硝酸铝和二正丁胺为原料,通过有机胺共沉淀法制备了镍钴铝(NCA)三元前驱体Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05(OH)2,并利用X衍射分析仪、扫描电子显微镜、粒度分析仪和热重分析仪对其晶体结构、形貌和化学组成进行表征。在室温条件下向硝酸盐溶液中加入二正丁胺,反应后将溶液过滤,并将得到的固体进行洗涤和干燥,以获得可用于锂电池正极材料镍钴铝酸锂生产的NCA三元前驱体Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05(OH)2。实验结果表明最佳的反应条件为硝酸盐溶液浓度1 mol/L,搅拌速率400 r/min,反应温度80 ℃,所得NCA三元前驱体为组分均匀的类球型颗粒,粒度分布在14.666~40.094 μm之间。本文提出Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05(OH)2的生产制备方法大量减少了工业废水的产生,降低了工业生产成本。
- Abstract:
The nickel-cobalt-aluminum (NCA) ternary precursors Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05(OH)2 were prepared by organic amine co-precipitation method with ferric nitrate,cobalt nitrate,aluminium nitrate and dibutylamine as the precursors. The crystal structure,morphology and chemical component of the products were characterized by X-ray diffractometry,scanning electron microscopy,particle size analyzer and thermal gravimetric analyzer. Di-n-butylamine was added to the nitrate solution at room temperature. After the reaction, the solution was filtered. The obtained solid was washed and dried to obtain NCA ternary precursor Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05(OH)2 which can be used for lithium battery cathode material LiNi0.8Co0.05Al0.15O2 production. The results show that the obtained NCA ternary precursor is a homogeneous sphere-like particle with the size of 14.666-40.094 μm at nitrate solution concentration of 1 mol/L, stirring rate of 400 r/min,and reaction temperature of 80 ℃. The production method of Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05(OH)2 greatly reduces the prodution of industrial wastewater and the cost of industrial production.
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- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期:2018-10-11作者简介:陈 杰,硕士研究生。E-mail:[email protected]*通讯作者:张 勇,博士,教授。E-mail:[email protected]引文格式:陈杰,罗喆,苏勇杰,等. 有机胺共沉淀法制备镍钴铝三元前驱体及表征[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2019,41(5):457-460.
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