|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]胡 畔,肖 约,汪 芳,等.基于AdaBoost算法的混凝土抗压强度预测[J].武汉工程大学学报,2024,46(01):111-118.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202210021]
 HU Pan,XIAO Yue,WANG Fang,et al.Prediction of concrete compressive strength based on AdaBoost algorithm[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2024,46(01):111-118.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202210021]





Prediction of concrete compressive strength based on AdaBoost algorithm
1674 - 2869(2024)01 - 0111 - 08
胡 畔1肖 约2汪 芳3唐文泽4周 华4
1. 武汉理工大学土木工程学院,湖北 武汉 430070;
2. 华杰工程咨询有限公司中南分公司,湖北 武汉 430000;
3. 武汉华夏理工学院建筑与土木工程学院,湖北 武汉 430223;
4. 武汉安宇工程建设管理有限公司,湖北 武汉 430040
HU Pan1 XIAO Yue2WANG Fang3TANG Wenze4 ZHOU Hua4
1. College of Civil Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;
2. Huajie Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd Zhongnan Branch,Wuhan 430000,China;
3. College of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Wuhan Huaxia University of Technology,Wuhan 430223,China;
4. Wuhan Anyu Engineering Construction Management Co.,Ltd,Wuhan 430040,China
concrete compressive strength machine learning cross-validation training data set weak learner
论文采集1 030组混凝土抗压强度试验数据,通过训练AdaBoost算法,得到可用于预测混凝土抗压强度值的模型。结果表明:AdaBoost算法模型可以在给定输入变量的情况下准确有效地预测混凝土抗压强度;10折交叉验证决定系数R2的平均值达到0.952,平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)达到11.39%,说明十折交叉验证具有较高准确率;AdaBoost算法与人工神经网络和支持向量机独立学习算法比较,表现出集成学习算法的优越性;讨论了AdaBoost算法模型中训练数据集数量、弱学习器类型和输入变量的数量相关因素,发现使用1 030数据集的80%可以获得良好的预测结果。

????We collect 1 030 groups of concrete compressive strength test data, and obtain a model that can be used to predict the values of concrete compressive strength by training the AdaBoost algorithm. The results show that the AdaBoost algorithm model can accurately and effectively predict the concrete compressive strength under the condition of given input variables;the average values of coefficients of determination using a 10-fold cross-validation reach 0.952,and the mean absolute percentage errors reach 11.39%,indicating that the prediction errors are very low;compared with the independent learning algorithms of artificial neural network and support vector machine, the AdaBoost algorithm shows the superiority of ensemble learning algorithms. The number of training data sets and the type of weak learners in the AdaBoost algorithm model were discussed. According to the number of input variables,it is found that using 80% of the 1 030 sets of data gives good prediction results.


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*通信作者:胡 畔,博士,工程师。Email:[email protected]
引文格式:胡畔,肖约,汪芳,等. 基于AdaBoost算法的混凝土抗压强度预测[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2024,46(1):111-118.
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-01