|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 XU Li li,LIU Sheng peng.Effects of PPgMA on the microstructure and properties ofPP/PPgMA/nanomagnesium hydroxide composites[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2011,(08):52-55.






Effects of PPgMA on the microstructure and properties of
PP/PPgMA/nanomagnesium hydroxide composites
武汉工程大学,湖北 武汉 430074
XU LiliLIU Shengpeng
Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
 polypropylene magnesium hydroxide microstructure mechanical property
Polypropylene (PP) grafted with maieic anhydride was performed via solidstate modication method. PP/nanomagnesium hydroxide (MH) composites with maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PPgMA) as an interfacial compatilizer were prepared by melt extrusion compounding and injection molding. The morphological structure, mechanical properties and flame retarding behaviours were characterized by SEM, tensile measurements and limiting oxygen index. The results of SEM showed that the introduction of PPgMA could get more even distribution of the nanoMH in PP matrix. Compared to the PP/MH composites, the unnotched impact strength of PP/PPgMA/MH composites were significantly enhanced by introduction of PPgMA. The flame retardant of PP/PPgMA/MH and PP/MH composites can also be improved at 40 wt% loading of MH.


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